
Negin Yamini practices criminal defence in Orange and Los Angeles counties.

Negin routinely defends the accused against all criminal charges including driving under the influence of drug and alcohol, domestic violence, child abuse and molestation, rape and sexual assault, robbery, and white-collar offences. Amongst Negin’s noteworthy accomplishments are a hung jury and subsequent dismissal of a hit and run charge against a Los Angeles County firefighter, a hung jury and subsequent dismissal of assault with a deadly weapon charges against a San Bernardino County nurse, a swift 15-minute jury acquittal on pimping and pandering and prostitution charges arising out of a Los Angeles County under-cover prostitution sting operation, dismissal of all transportation and sale charges against a member of a marijuana collective, and dismissal of all theft charges at preliminary hearing against a Los Angeles County employee.

These victories—amongst Negin’s extensive record of reduced-sentences, dismissals, and favourable dispositions in a range of matters—showcase Negin’s tenacity, strategic and thorough mounting of a defence from the very inception of a case, and meticulous and aggressive lawyering.

Negin earned her undergraduate degree from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) where she graduated Summa Cum Laude, received the prestigious Phi Beta Kappa nomination, and won the American Dream Fellowship for her academic accomplishments and demonstrated a commitment to leadership and public service.

She obtained her law degree from the University of California, Hastings College of the Law where she won recognition as a “Tony Patino” fellow for academic excellence and commitment to social justice.

At Hastings, Negin also won recognition by the Refugee and Human Rights Clinic for her direct and zealous representation of a Mongolian woman in her successful fight for political asylum in the United States. Today, as a criminal defence attorney, Negin channels her passion for justice toward protecting the accused in all stages of a criminal case.

No matter how damning the facts and how egregious the charges, Negin brings to every case a tenacity, creativity, and zealousness that, besides leading to favourable outcomes in a myriad of cases, have earned her the respect of judges and prosecutors.

Los Angeles Criminal Attorney is an active member of the Inns of Court, an organization committed to the highest level of professionalism and ethics in the practice of criminal law.

Negin is also is an active participant and member of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, the lead organization in the United States dedicated to ensuring justice and due process for the accused.
The Law office of Negin Yamini provides hands-on, consistent, quality, and skilled representation in all misdemeanour and felony matters, including driving

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