
At Yadegar, Minoofar & Soleymani LLP, we represent clients in all forms of civil litigation. However, our Los Angeles attorneys each focus on his or her own area of practice. These areas of practice include: labor and employment litigation, real estate and construction litigation, business litigation, and intellectual property and entertainment litigation. Our Los Angeles employment attorneys have successfully litigated and tried cases in every forum, including federal and state courts and arbitration. Our Los Angeles law firm is also capable of handling your real estate transactional matters, including the purchase, sale and lease of any real estate.

When assessing the prestige of employment law firms in Los Angeles, it is important to know that we have a proven track record of accomplishment and success. Our founding partner, and Los Angeles employment attorney, Navid Yadegar, has received an AV ranking (highest rating) by the reputable Martindale Hubbell. Members of our team have also been selected as American Lawyer Magazine’s “2013 Go-To Law Firm for the Top 500 Companies.”

Along with these accolades, our Los Angeles employment attorneys have previously practiced at some of the largest and most prestigious law firms in Los Angeles. This includes Arnold & Porter and Proskauer Rose where they litigated “bet-the-company” cases on behalf of clients ranging from Fortune 500 companies to entrepreneurs and individuals. Our California transactional lawyers have also regularly handled multi-million dollar real estate deals across Los Angeles and the rest of California. The attorneys at our Los Angeles employment law firm have separated themselves from the pack and have garnered a reputation of excellence within the Los Angeles legal community.

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