Gyumri Grocery & Deli Inc is a privately held company in Glendale, CA and is a Single Location business.
Categorized under Food Stores.
Our records show it was established in 2000 and incorporated in California.
Current estimates show this company has an annual revenue of 221379 and employs a staff of approximately 4. Iranian Grocery Store
Gyumri which also operates under the name Stocker Market is located in Glendale, California.
This organization primarily operates in the Supermarkets business/industry within the Food Stores sector.
This organization has been operating for approximately 18 years.
There is estimated to generate $221,379 in annual revenues and employs approximately 4 people at this single location.
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Our data undergoes extensive quality assurance testing with over 2,000 discrete checks for validity and reliability.
We use over 30,0000 different sources, including teams of primary source researchers to update our data over 5 million times per day.
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Looking for directions to Gyumri Grocery & Deli, 452 W Stocker St Glendale, CA 91202 in Glendale, United States? Your journey just became much easier! Download the Moovit App to find the fastest directions and to see the latest Bus schedules to Gyumri Grocery & Deli, 452 W Stocker St Glendale, CA 91202.
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Choose from a list of stops closest to Gyumri Grocery & Deli, 452 W Stocker St Glendale, CA 91202: Stocker & Pacific; Stocker & Columbus; Pacific & Palm. Pick Bus options that you can take to get to Gyumri Grocery & Deli, 452 W Stocker St Glendale, CA 91202. Here’s a list of a few lines that pass near your destination – Bus: 5, 7, 92.
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